Irma Hurricane : IOC sets up USD 1 million emergency fund to help the Caribbean National Olympic Committees

In Lima, as part of the Session which will allocate the 2024 Games and 2028 Games, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has nonetheless neglected to take account of the international situation.

(Credits – IOC)

Also, as was the case with Peru in the wake of last spring floods or with the Vanuatu archipelago after the passage of Pam Hurricane in March 2015, the IOC has decided to create an emergency fund for Caribbean National Committees directly impacted by Irma Hurricane.

The fund, set up jointly by the IOC, the Olympic Solidarity Commission and the Panamerican Sports Organization (PASO), will amount to USD 1 million.

However, the announced funding may be re-evaluated upwards once the IOC has a precise inventory and the extent of the damage related to sports infrastructures.

« All our sympathy and thoughts are with the victimes and the families who have lost relatives in this natural disaster and with those who have lost their homes and livelihoods.

The IOC stands ready to help the National Olympic Committees (NOCs) of the affected countris to help them rebuild sports infrastructure that has been destroyed » said the IOC President, Thomas Bach.

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